Best Friends Big brothers Casey and Ryan Thomas the Train
Favorite Movies
Baby Einstein
Thomas the Train Angus Get's Lost and Angus and the Ducks Favorite Food Carrots, bananas, ice cream cake, pops
My Talents I could sing the alphabet before I was 2 I can sing Happy Birthday-it is my favorite song you know! I can do a forward roll I am the best sleeper, kind of..... I tell my mommy and Daddy when I go pee and poop
An hour and a half after I put them down for a nap I had to get Ryan and Sean and bring them downstairs. As Ryan was climbing down the stairs he turned around and said to Casey, as if Casey could hear him, "bye bye Casey, I'll see you later." He had the most concerned look on his face. He proceeded to tell me that Casey was sleeping. It is the sweet, tender moments like this that fill me with joy.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Well, what a summer it has been. The boy's turned two and they are as fun as ever!